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The Group Tour Company
1110 Vermont Ave, NW Washington DC 20005

With over 25 years of service, the Group Tour Company will make every effort to create the tour that you desire! Contact us today and ask how we can make your next tour a memorable one.

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Tour Planners
Bill Babb
Carole Babb
Chris Babb
Christen Eliason

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Helpful Hints:
There are so many questions you need to ask your group in order to plan a tour package. We have selected the top 9 questions you should ask in order to be able to provide us with the information we need to plan a customized tour program.

1. How many participants will be on the tour? This will determine the price per person on which the program will be based. (Also ask ratio of adults to students, this may affect the admission costs for the program.)
2. When will you be traveling? This makes sense, but sometimes we forget to ask!
3. What is the purpose of the trip? Whether it is recreational, educational, incentive, etc.; will affect the sights and pacing of the itinerary.
4. What is the ideal location and type of hotel for your needs? Do you want deluxe, moderate, economy, etc.? Do not make assumptions! You do not want to keep a client in a suburban hotel because of budget concerns and discover they were expecting a hotel in the city. (Also ask the kind of amenities that would be desired: indoor/outdoor pool, business center, coffee machine, suites, etc.)
5. Occupancy? Is it single, double, triple, or quad? (Also ask if group will be requiring special accommodations such as smoking, lower floors or wheelchair accessibility.)

9 questions to consider (cont.):
6. Meals? What type of meals would the group like to have included in the package? Would they like these meals at the hotel? Should they be sit down/restaurant or fast food/cafeteria style meals? Do they need a choice at the time of service?
7. Complimentary packages? Does the group require any complimentary packages? If yes, how many? These comps can be for a group leader, teacher, chaperon, or any person with the group who needs to accompany them for free.
8. Special appointments? What special appointments or events is the group expecting? This is critical when planning an itinerary! We need to plan the itinerary so there is enough time for the group to visit a special attraction or person.
9. Has the group ever traveled together before? Have they run the same trip in previous years? What did they like and dislike, and what would they change? The more specific information you can gather, the more likely we will be able to deliver them a program that meets their needs!

What is your name?

What is your e-mail address?

Which of the following best describes you?
Travel Agent
Group Leader

What is your destination?

How big is your group?
How long do you plan to visit?

Tell us more about your interests or needs:

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